Follow these instructions to learn the basics and create your first Quest. In this Quest we will simply post some instructions for the student and send them a coin.
In the Quests premium section click "Create Quest" to open the Visual Quest Editor.
A Quest is a series of operations called nodes. Every Quest starts with the Start node. One will be added for you automatically when you create a new Quest.
Now let's add a node into your Quest. To add a node, click the (+) icon or right click anywhere in the node editor. Select the Add Instructions node in the menu.
The node will appear in the editor, now connected the output of the Start node to the Add Instructions input. To do it, drag from the circular output labelled Start to the input on the Add Instructions node.
Next, fill in all required inputs, marked in red outline.
TIP: You drag nodes by their title bar. Help is also available for every node when hovering over the title bar and clicking the help icon.
Now add a Send a Coin node and fill in all the fields. In the from field the {Quest Giver} option tells the Quest to use the teacher that sends the Quest.
Now, end your Quest by adding the End node and connecting the Send a Coin node's output to it. Select Pass for the End node's outcome. Every Quest must have at least 1 End node.
TIP: Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out in the editor. Drag anywhere on the background to pan your view.
Now click "Save changes" to open a save dialog. Fill in the required fields.
Quest Name will be visible to everyone. Give the Quest a group if desired, this visually groups the Quests in categories for the teachers. Add a description visible only to teachers, and a description visible for the students.
The toggles allow you to configure several important options...
Is Repeatable - if toggled on, the student can get this Quest more than once.
One at a time - if toggled on, the students can only have 1 instance of this Quest at any given time.
Voluntary - if toggled on, the student can view and accept this Quest on their own, without a teacher issuing it.
Expires - if toggled on, this quest will end with a Fail status at the end of the round that it is issued.
Is Active - if toggled on, this quest will be available for use. Keep this toggled off while you are designing your Quest.
Click Save when you are ready.
Congratulations! You made your first Quest. Now experiment and learn new nodes to make much more powerful and engaging Quests!
Note: When using the Start Quest node, there is a limit to the number of Quests that can be chained together. This is to prevent infinitely running Quests.